Tuesday 6 August 2013


krotko I na temat:
wyspa skye, okolice storr, old man of storr (starzec ze storr). ciekawa iglica skalna oraz robiace wrazenie wysokie skalne klify. bardzo duzo sciezek  a wiec I opcji zwiedzania. mozna tylko do 'starca', mozna sie pokusic o wejscie na klify, mozna rowniez przejsc klifami 'dookola'. czasowo -powiedzmy 3 godz razem z czasem na fotki, z przejsciem klifami conajmniej 4.5 godz.
wiem ze moze to banalne. ale przecietnie zwiedzajacy nie zdaje sobie sprawy ze 'starzec' jest nieco oddalony od drogi I aby do niego dosc z parking czeka was conajmniej godzina bez przerwy pod gorke. warto pamietac robiac plany lub biorac male dzieci.

(zrodlo: walkhighlands)


condensed info:
isle of skye, old man of storr. very impressive rock needle surrounded by even more impressive vertical cliffs. lots of paths in the area therefore various options of visiting the man are at hand. you can just walk towards the old man of storr or explore paths around, you can as well go up the cliffs (just to take the photo from different perspective or traverse up along the cliffs) 
time-wise: old man of storr only -3hrs (including photo and exploring time), old man + cliffs traverse 4.5hrs
maybe this will seem obvious, but you need to be aware that the old man is relatively far from the road and car park, also to reach the old man you will have to walk at least full hour up the hill (worth considering when taking small kids)

(copyright walkhighlands)

klify. z tej perspektywy nie widac 'starca' choc jest na tym zdjeciu
cliffs, from this perspective you cant really see the old man though the rock needle IS on this photo

na wschod, w strone cuillinsow  /   looking east towards the cuillins

klasycznie   / ... the classic way...

..tworczo   /   .. the creative way (with the cliffs)

klify / cliffs

ksiazkowo.... (z klifow)   /   ...the proper way...  (from the cliffs)

I z klifami   /  with the cliffs

klify  / cliffs

fajne formy skalne  /  cool rock formations

(by bea)

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